Financial planning is a strategic process of managing your finances to achieve short-term and long-term financial goals. This involves income assessment, setting up of financial objectives, budgeting, investing, tax planning and risk management. It's a roadmap to your financial security and independence, helping you to make informed decisions about your money, while ensuring financial stability and growth.Visit site

financial planning definition

Retirement Planning is a comprehensive approach to ensure financial security and stability during the twilight years of life. It involves a systematic strategy of savings, investments, and asset management, tailored to accumulate sufficient funds for post-retirement life. The goal is to maintain a comfortable lifestyle, cover healthcare expenses and leave a financial legacy, without being reliant on any external income source. It is not a one-time event but a lifelong process that requires regular review and adjustments.Visit site

retirement planning

Ernst & Young, also known as EY, is a globally recognized professional services firm. They are renowned for their high-quality audit, assurance, tax, consulting, and advisory services. With an extensive network spread across 150 countries, EY helps clients manage risk, improve performance, and sustain the results. Their client base ranges from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies, providing personalized solutions to help businesses navigate their unique challenges and achieve growth. The firm's core values of integrity, respect, and teaming, as well as their commitment to building a better working world, set them apart in the industry.Visit site

ernst & young