rosetta stone

Unlock the Power of Language: Why Rosetta Stone is Your Key to Linguistic Mastery

Rosetta Stone is an innovative language learning software that uses immersive techniques to help you master a new language. With its intuitive, user-friendly interface, the software offers a wide array of languages to choose from, and its unique method of teaching focuses on interactive lessons, contextual understanding and repetition. Rosetta Stone doesn't just teach you to memorize, but rather to think, understand and communicate in your chosen language.

Product Name Rosetta Stone
Type Language Learning Software
Developer Rosetta Stone Inc.
Initial Release 1992
Operating System Windows, macOS
Platform Online, CD-ROM, iOS, Android
Available Languages 24 (including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, etc.)
Method Dynamic Immersion
Key Features TruAccent speech recognition, Extended Learning, Live Tutoring, Phrasebook
Subscription Options 3 months, 12 months, 24 months, Lifetime
Minimum System Requirements 2 GB RAM, 1024 x 768 display resolution, High-speed internet connection
Primary Users Individuals, Schools, Businesses, Governmental Organizations
Awards PC Magazine Editors' Choice award for Best Language-Learning Software, Parents' Choice Award, etc.
Everything you ever wanted to know about the Rosetta Stone | British MuseumRosetta Stone found | July 19, 1799 | HISTORYThe Rosetta Stone – SmarthistoryUnlocking Ancient Texts with the 2,000-Year-Old Rosetta Stone | Discover  MagazineWhat is the Rosetta Stone? All you need to know as British Museum faces  claim from EgyptRosetta Stone Was In Trouble. Here's How I Found the Company's Competitive  Advantage | EntrepreneurWho owns Rosetta Stone? Egyptians tell Britishers, 'We should' | World News  - Hindustan TimesWhat is the Rosetta Stone? All you need to know as British Museum faces  claim from EgyptA 'Rosetta Stone' for neuroscience: new atlas helps define brain cell types  | Science | AAASReturn Rosetta Stone to Egypt, thousands demand

    Language Learning with Rosetta Stone

    Rosetta Stone is a comprehensive language learning platform that uses an immersive method of instruction. This method emphasizes learning through context and repetition, rather than translation and memorization. It provides a more natural and intuitive way to learn a new language. Read more

    Unique Learning Approach

    Unlike traditional language learning methods, Rosetta Stone uses Dynamic Immersion. This technique involves learning new words and phrases in the context of full sentences, mimicking the way children learn their first language. This approach is designed to foster understanding and retention. Read more

    Speech Recognition Technology

    Rosetta Stone's proprietary TruAccent speech recognition technology helps learners improve their pronunciation skills. It compares your voice to native speakers and provides real-time feedback, ensuring you develop the correct accent and intonation. Read more

    Multi-platform Accessibility

    With Rosetta Stone, you can learn on your own terms. The platform is accessible through various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers. This flexibility allows for seamless learning anytime and anywhere. Read more rosetta stone

    Variety of Languages

    Rosetta Stone offers instruction in 24 different languages, from popular ones like Spanish and French to less commonly taught languages like Swedish or Dutch. This variety makes it a great choice for aspiring polyglots or those interested in less common languages. Read more

    Interactive and Engaging Content

    Rosetta Stone's course content is designed to be engaging and interactive. It includes a variety of exercises and activities that challenge different aspects of language learning, keeping your study sessions fresh and stimulating. Read more

    Real-life Scenarios

    The lessons are based around real-life scenarios which help learners to comprehend the practical usage of the language. This context-based learning makes the language more relatable and easier to remember. Read more

    Progress Tracking

    Rosetta Stone provides an efficient progress tracking system. Learners can monitor their scores, completed lessons, and time spent on the platform, helping to motivate and guide their study. Read more rosetta stone

    Community and Support

    Rosetta Stone includes access to a community of learners and native speakers. This feature provides opportunities for practice and interaction, enhancing the learning experience. Read more

    Price and Value

    While Rosetta Stone might seem expensive compared to some other language learning platforms, the quality of instruction, comprehensive content, and unique features make it a worthwhile investment. Moreover, the company often offers discounts and promotions, making the platform more affordable. Read more


    1. Revolutionizing Language Learning:

    Before the advent of Rosetta Stone, language learning was often a tedious task involving rote memorization and grammar drills. Rosetta Stone changed the game by introducing an interactive software program that makes language learning an intuitive and immersive experience.

    2. Inspired By Historical Artifact:

    The name Rosetta Stone is not just a catchy brand name. It's inspired by the historical Rosetta Stone, a granite slab discovered in 1799 that helped linguists decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs. Just like the original Rosetta Stone, the language learning software aims to break down language barriers and facilitate understanding.

    3. Comprehensive Language Coverage:

    One of the most impressive facts about Rosetta Stone is its comprehensive language coverage. The software offers learning programs for 24 different languages, ranging from commonly studied ones like Spanish and French to less commonly taught languages like Hebrew and Vietnamese.

    4. Endorsed by NASA:

    Rosetta Stone's effectiveness is not just marketing hype. The software is so reputable that even NASA has used it to teach astronauts foreign languages. If it's good enough for astronauts, it's probably good enough for the rest of us!

    5. Adaptable Learning Path:

    Unlike traditional language courses, Rosetta Stone doesn't force you to follow a strict learning path. Instead, the software adapts to your pace and style of learning. This makes it a great resource for both beginners and advanced language learners.

    6. Focus on Immersion:

    Rosetta Stone's approach to language learning is based on the idea of immersion. Instead of teaching grammar rules and vocabulary lists, the software immerses you in the language through interactive exercises and real-life scenarios. This is designed to help you think in the new language, not just translate from your native language.

    7. Multi-Platform Accessibility:

    With Rosetta Stone, you can learn a new language anytime, anywhere. The software is available on a variety of platforms, including desktop, mobile, and tablet. So whether you're at home, on the go, or somewhere in between, you can keep learning.

    8. Used in Schools Worldwide:

    Rosetta Stone is not just for individual learners. The software is also used in thousands of schools around the world to augment traditional language courses and provide students with an engaging, interactive learning experience.

    9. Speech Recognition Technology:

    To help you perfect your pronunciation, Rosetta Stone uses advanced speech recognition technology. This technology evaluates your speech as you practice and provides instant feedback, helping you sound more like a native speaker.

    10. Award-Winning Software:

    Rosetta Stone's innovative approach to language learning has earned it numerous awards and accolades. Among these are the 2013 Academics' Choice Smart Media Award, the 2014 Tabby Award for Best Education and Training App, and the 2016 PCMag Editors' Choice award for Best Language-Learning Software.


    Rosetta Stone – A software program for learning languages.

    Language Acquisition – The process of learning a new language.

    E-Learning – Learning conducted via electronic media, typically on the internet.

    Language Immersion – A method of teaching where instructions are given in a foreign language.

    Linguistics – The scientific study of language and its structure.

    Second Language – A language learned by a person after his or her native language.

    Bilingual – The ability to speak two languages fluently.

    ESL – Acronym for English as a Second Language.

    Pronunciation – The way in which a word is pronounced.

    Grammar – The set of structural rules governing the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in any given language.

    Vocabulary – The body of words used in a particular language.

    Fluency – The ability to speak or write a foreign language easily and accurately.

    Language Proficiency – The degree of skill with which a person can use a language.

    Reading Comprehension – The ability to read text, process it and understand its meaning.

    Listening Skills – The capability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process.

    Writing Skills – The ability to write text correctly and effectively.

    Speech Recognition – Technology that can recognize spoken words.

    Language Translation – The process of changing the text from one language to another.

    Multilingual – The ability to speak more than two languages.

    Language Barrier – A barrier to communication between people who are unable to speak a common language.

    Language Learning Strategies – Techniques used to learn a language.

    Native Language – The language that a person has been exposed to from birth.

    Foreign Language – A language not spoken by the people of a certain place.

    Language Exchange – A method of language learning that involves two speakers of different languages practicing each other's language.

    Cultural Understanding – Knowledge and awareness of another culture's history, values, beliefs, and traditions.

    TESOL – An acronym for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.

    Online Learning Platform – A digital environment where educational content is delivered and consumed.

    Mobile Learning – Learning across multiple contexts, through social and content interactions, using personal electronic devices.

    Language Assessment – The process of evaluating a person's language skills.

    Language Course – A program of study that teaches a foreign language.

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